Berrima Deisel offered one lucky TLCC member an opportunity to trial free of charge their new Simple Phone App. David Watkins, put in an entry and was the lucky winner. The tuner app costs $1698 and c...
THE CREW at Berrima Diesel, located 130km south of Sydney in the southern highlands, has a reputation in the 4x4 industry for knowing their stuff, so I thought it was time to take my old 80 Series dow...
Operation 200 continues this month as we travel to the NSW Southern Highlands for vital reliability upgrades and a significant power boost.Over the last few months, we have subjected our previously b...
Seeing so many Diesels through our shop with problems caused by the wrong choice of oil viscosity is at "Plague Proportion".OIL GUIDE- The good old SAE guide should be used as a guide only. It shows o...
Seen here is a VNT/VGT Turbo. Whatever the name, VNT or VGT same thing.Variable Nozzle TurboVariable Geometry TurboThis technology of Turbo varies its performance by directing the exhaust gases more o...
Listen to this video and learn some simple ownership pointers about DPFsWe currently own 3x DPF equipped Diesels in our Diesel Family inventory so here's some pointers direct from an owner. Have a lis...
DPF 101We get so many people calling up asking about how they should look after their Diesels DPF everyday.Here's the 101 guide to DPF care- Use a viscosity oil that's suited, as per the SAE oil visco...
LIFE used to be simple. In years gone by, the old carby could be blown out at the roadside for a quick fix. With a bit of ingenuity, luck and mechanical know-how there wasn’t much car owners had to do...
That saying really rings true when modifying the inlet or outlet tract of a new age diesel.Increasing performance in your touring rig would have once upon a time started with a high-flowing air filter...
With the number of new Diesel vehicles using long oil change drain intervals ever increasing, there is a higher chance than ever of sludge building up in the engine. Oil changes in modern Diesels are ...
If you hadn’t realised by now, diesel fuel comes from refining crude oil. In fact it’s so close to crude oil that some light crudes will run a diesel engine. So how do we save fuel by using oil? One w...
I think one of the biggest legacies that will be stamped into the history books by ECU Remapping will be that no one will really know what tune is in their 2nd hand Diesel. It looks like the new kid o...
You've seen our previous videos exposing how useless Top mount Intercoolers without fans are. (If not visit our facebook or youtube pages and watch them)Well here's some facts and here's a really basi...